Patient Billing Information

Laboratory Tests:
Your healthcare provider ordered a laboratory test on your sample that will be performed at Ipsum Diagnostics. The test results provide information your healthcare provider will use to make treatment decisions. 

The cost of the test is covered by most federal and commercial health insurance plans when medical necessity is met. However, we realize maybe plans carry high deductibles and this may sometimes lead to financial stress for patients. Ipsum Diagnostics will work with patients to resolve any financial responsibility pursuant to our Patient Assistance Policy.

You will receive an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) prior to receiving an invoice from your insurance provider. Please understand this is not a bill. If you have any remaining balance, you will receive an invoice.

If you have any questions about billing, please do not call your provider but call us directly at 678-915-2299 and ask for Billing. Thank you and we look forward to serving you.

Ipsum Diagnostics

8607 Roberts Drive
Suite 250
Atlanta, GA 30350
(678) 915-2299 Laboratory
(800) 819-0767 Fax